Inkayni Peru Tours



Over de activiteitenaanbieder

Inkayni Peru Tours is a family business initiative aimed at offering quality touring services based on international standards in tourism. Our work aims to practice sustainable tourism, to promote the responsable use of natural and cultural resources, and to focus on operations that improve the quality of life for local populations, strengthening their social, environmental, cultural and economic development. Our company is different in that we value the importance of revealing the true historic, cultural and spiritual legacy left by our ancestors. We serve as the perfect bridge between the visitor and the Andean world with an excellent business image as well as an unbounding passion for our Andean heritage. We are dedicated to promoting the natural and cultural heritage of Peru and commited to conserve it. We garantee personal attention for our clients through the elaboration of innovative services and products, tailored for each customer using the latest technologies. We are a well trained team, highly motivated and fully identified with our company.

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